Thursday, October 8, 2015

21 days in the Big City just wasn't enough for me but I did enjoy every single moment of my time in New York. September 9th was my first day in the city, My sole purpose for my stay was for NYFW I will recap my fashion week experience in another post! I decided to extend my trip to a full three weeks! and yes if your wondering I did in fact did not want to return to the 305. I love New York for its character and the fact that one day you can be shopping in the city and the next you can be riding a bike in central park. I had the trip of a lifetime, and I cant wait to share my experience with you through photos!
Even though I didn't get to swing by Williamsburg which is known for the best street art, I was still in aw by the ones I saw throughout the city.
The Metropolitan Museum is just as dreamy as I imagined. I fell in love with this piece by Guo Pei Each day was a new adventure, I did something different each day that I was there.
I wasn't the only Miami blogger in town that week, Dianna of Follow Dee spent a few days in the Big city for Fashion week as well. So we decided to take a break from all the fashion and enjoy some art at the Whitney Museum and The Museum of the city of New York. it was nice to be in a different city with a fellow blogger.
it isn't a trip to New York without passing by Times Square, the most tourist filled chaotic area of New York City the reason why many people say they will never move to New York. Well Times Square isn't what New York is all about its just an example of what a melting pot it is. Such a diverse city you have Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Colombians, Chinese, Russians, and everything in between. I love that about New York.
Loved Spending time in the city with my favorite Miami fashion addicts Jhon and Dianna.
New York is such a beauty.
Such a beautiful memorial it was a great moment just taking it all in and seeing what they have done to ground zero.
New York is not only Sky Scrapers and Taxi cabs, I was able to enjoy The beauty of the Hamptons and the Old west berry Mansion in Long Island.
I ended my 21 day adventure with the Blood Moon a night under the stars and surrounded by the ones I love. Thank you to everyone who made this a trip of a life time and realizing New York is where I belong. I Miss it and I look forward till the next time I'm in the beloved Concrete Jungle.
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